Tribute Wall
Memorial Visitation
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Saturday, October 7, 2023
Dangler Funeral Home Of West Orange
340 Main Street
West Orange Township, New Jersey, United States
Military Honors
11:20 am
Saturday, October 7, 2023
Dangler Funeral Home Of West Orange
340 Main Street
West Orange Township, New Jersey, United States
Funeral Services
11:30 am
Saturday, October 7, 2023
Dangler Funeral Home Of West Orange
340 Main Street
West Orange Township, New Jersey, United States

Anna Michelle Sautner posted a condolence
Sunday, October 1, 2023
I met Peter when I worked at Consultants In Cardiology. He was my favorite patient. He became my buddy for 23 years. He brought in a copy of his WWII service picture and we proudly displayed it along with all our other veterans, men and women. The bulletin board was so popular that it remains up all year. Thank sir for your service, your fishing stories and your great smile.
Your “Dolly”,
Michelle Sautner
Richard Vann posted a condolence
Sunday, September 10, 2023
I met Pete Sr. for the first time in 1995 when he came to visit his wonderful son and my great friend Pete Jr in Little Rock, Arkansas. He took his dad out to my house which had a big pond on the property and Pete Sr. Took to catching some big Crappie and the picture that we took of him still resonates in my head of that big infectious smile holding that stringer of crappie. I immediately became an admire of Pete Sr. and want to say thank you for serving your country in a time of need you truly were a member of the greatest generation an as such will never be forgotten. Go rest high, you so deserve it sir.
Annamaria Menconi posted a condolence
Friday, August 25, 2023
Dear Patty and Family,
Thank you for the beautiful memories that I have of playing mandola, side by side with your father Peter, in the Bloomfield Mandolin Orchestra. For over twenty years, Peter and I enjoyed our conversations at weekly rehearsals and performance moments on stage. Peter was a great man who lead an extraordinary life. God bless your family.
The family of Peter J Longo uploaded a photo
Friday, August 11, 2023

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340 Main Street
West Orange, NJ 07052
Tel: (973) 325-1212
Fax: (973) 325-1664
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